The emergence of a foreigner or even multinational company in Indonesia is known since years ago. Recently, it is getting bigger since Indonesia still offers a potentiality for investors in gaining a significant profit. To start a business in Indonesia, the requirements for a foreigner to start a business in Indonesia is necessary as it will make the whole process easier.

Moreover, before deciding to set up a company in Indonesia, the foreigner should notice the latest announcement of some businesses which have been closed by the president of Indonesia as stated at Presidential Regulation No. 44/2016. It becomes an essential part of requirements for the investor to avoid the problem in the future. Here is some following closed business:
- Agriculture and forestry sector
In this sector, the cultivation of marijuana is prohibited to be held. It is possible to be reaccessed if the aim is for research or any non-commercial purpose. In forestry, it not allowed to establish a commercial business which impacts flora and fauna of Indonesia such as catching special listed fish.
- Marine affairs and fisheries
The business activities included in this sector are taking the artifacts from the shipwreck as well as the coral both living and dead to be owned for the personal and commercial profit.
- Industry
In this industry, there are six different categories which most of them related to the hazardous chemical material. This business should be prohibited since the effect can be harmful to human and other creatures such as animal and plants.

- Transportation
In this sector, the investors cannot choose a business that intends to organize or operate the stations and terminals. The point is everything that profitable just for an individual is mostly banned because these are a public area owned by the country.
- Education and culture
Running a business of museum opened to the public should not be chosen by a foreigner as well as owning historical artifacts which are from the temple, palaces, and others.
- Tourism and creative economy
Each country has its regulation, so does Indonesia. Here, the investor from other countries cannot establish a business related to gambling or casino even though it may be legal in other places.
- Communication and information
The last sector which was closed is managing the frequency of the radio and operate it by the company.

Those are the business sector that foreigner should think over. After that, the investors can move to next step which does the investment process at Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). Although recently BKPM has launched new services, there are still procedures, requirements for a foreigner to start a business.
If you are new, unaware or confused to deal with these steps, taking service from the local company is recommended especially for those specialized in a foreign company. You can check the professional and trusted company by opening a website of A brave step to run a business should be taken soon.