Indonesia is one of the countries in Southeast Asia that many foreign investors set eyes on in starting a small business in Indonesia. But if you are not sure of the situation and condition in Indonesia, your business will be quite risky, and it will lead to failure. Therefore, you need to know the guides for starting a small business in Indonesia.
Guides on How to Start a Small Business in Indonesia
You need to know the situation and condition in Indonesia before starting a small business in Indonesia. Here are some following guides that may enable you to start a small business in Indonesia.
Create and elaborate your ideas by applying for market research and analysis
Setting up a small business in Indonesia can be started by doing the market research and analysis for your ideas. The purpose of doing the market research and analysis is to enable you to get the knowledge and the information about a market in Indonesia before you decide to enter the market. The market research and analysis can be such an effective way to find out the opportunities and characteristics of the local market in Indonesia.
Set up your product or service
You need to prepare what product or service that you are going to invest in your company in Indonesia. You can set up the product or service that is suitable and in demand for the local market in Indonesia before entering the market.
Pay attention to the government law and obtain the regulation
Paying attention to the government law and regulation in Indonesia is a must. There are many documents requested in starting a small business in Indonesia. They are:
- The deed of the establishment which contains the articles of association which are legalized by the public notary
- The principle and business license from Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board or BKPM
- The legalization of the legal entity status by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia
- The domicile letter
- Tax identification number and taxable entrepreneur confirmation
- The manpower and company welfare reports
- The company registration certificate
Have Local Partners
If you keep on starting a small business in Indonesia, it is highly recommended for you to have local partners. The local partners will help you to manage your business running when you have the problem with your stay permit in Indonesia. Having the local partner will help you to know more about the situation and condition in Indonesia.
Choose your company location
There are many regions in Indonesia. You need to find out the right and strategic location for your company. But, you need to make sure that you already have the domicile letter from a local government and have a business registration number in Indonesia.
Organize your finance
In starting a small business in Indonesia, you need to know the finance and regulation in Indonesia. Your company needs to have the accounting and tax reporting for your company in Indonesia and submits a monthly tax statement report to the tax office.
If you follow those following guides in starting a small business in Indonesia, it is highly recommended if you are looking for professional assistance that will ensure your small business is set up properly. Company Registration Co.ID is a professional and trusted company which provides a full selection of services on business processes based on your individual requirements in accordance with the government’s standard operating procedures for starting a small business in Indonesia. Visit to use the services needed in helping you to set up a business in Indonesia.